

Fusion Center

The Security team Fusion Center provides several functions, including serving as a general intake point for work from all sources. Work comes into the Security team through the Fusion Center through a consistent, and easy-to-use interface.

The Fusion Center also serves as a training ground for new Security team staff or others interested in security, where it is safe to learn a broad range of topics while gaining exposure to the organization. Some types of work will be handled entirely from within the Fusion Center function. Other types of work may be triaged, and if needed, routed through the Security team's Project Management function to the security team's other services.

Aspects of this service include:

Security Incident Response

The Fusion Center ensures that threats against the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the Wikimedia Community and Foundation are identified, contained, investigated and remediated. Activities in this area include:

  • Security incident plans
  • Security incident coordination
  • Security incident playbooks

Threat Intelligence

The Fusion Center provides an overview of the threats the bad actors as they relate to the threat landscape.

Supplier Security

The Fusion Center provides oversight, guidance and assessments for 3rd party suppliers or partners, such as:

  • Security reviews for 3rd party suppliers
  • Security-specific contract language
  • Auditing of 3rd parties

Vulnerability Management

(coming soon)

Vulnerability Intelligence

(coming soon)

Security Training

(coming soon)